Finca Lérida is a woman-owned company, where tradition meets taste. Founded in the mountains of Boquete in the 1920s, Finca Lérida has produced coffee for more than 90 years.

With 5 different farms with altitudes between 1300 and 2000 meters above sea level, we offer specialty coffee of the Typica, Catuai, Pacamara and Geisha varieties, processed in Lavado, Natural, Honey and Anaerobic.

Being part of the Association of Specialty Coffee of Panama (SCAP) we have participated in different competitions around the world, winning awards as Best Coffee in the World at the SCAA of Boston of the year 2003 and First Place SCAP with Traditional Lavado in 2017 among others.

  1. Finca Lérida Estate
    70 Hectares
    Altitude: 1600-2000 masl
    Varietals: Catuai & Geisha
    Region: Alto Quiel, Boquete
    Owner: Ronella Enterprises
  2. Eplendorosa Estate
    4.5 Hectares
    Altitude: 1550 msnm
    Varietals: Geisha
    Region: Jaramillo, Boquete
    Owner: Ronella Enterprises    
  3. Amelia Estate
    32 Hectares
    Altitude: 1300-1550 msnm
    Varietals: Catuai, Pacamara & Tipica
    Region: Jaramillo, Boquete
    Owner: Ronella Enterprises  
  4. The   Jump
    32 Hectares
    Altitude: 1550 msnm
    Varietals: Catuai, Typical
    Region:   El   Salto, Boquete
    Owner: Ronella Enterprises
  5. Flora Estate
    6 Hectares
    Altitude: 1300-1400 msnm
    Varietals: Catuai & Pacamara
    Region: Volcancito, Boquete
    Owner: Ronella Enterprises  

Lérida Farm